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July 2023 EAC Monthly Updates and Events

Thursday, August 10, 2023

New from the EAC this month:  

  • The EAC launches New Website 

  • New Election Official Resources: College Poll Worker Guide, Comms 101, VVSG Migration Communications Toolkit  

  • 2022 EAVS (Election Administration and Voting Survey) Now Available 

  • Congressional EAC Oversight Hearings Recaps 

  • Upcoming Events: LLC Annual Meeting (July 20 and 21) and the EAVS Data Summit (July 19) 


EAC Launches New Website

If you have visited the EAC’s website ( lately, you may have noticed it has a new look!  

After listening to stakeholder feedback, the EAC has updated its website to improve your user experience. This includes making EAC resources easier to find and more accessible, especially ahead of the 2024 presidential election cycle. In addition to a better drop-down menu on the homepage, the website also has a more modern design. The agency also has a revamped homepage with key EAC statistics and a rotating feature highlighting the latest EAC news, reports, guides, and more.   

Because the website is still new, if you notice something that may need our attention, please submit a contact form (Concerning: "Website feedback"). 


New EAC Resources for Election Officials 

EAC Releases "Guidebook to Recruiting College Poll Workers” 

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The EAC has released the third edition of this guidebook, which will complement the agency’s upcoming Help America Vote College Poll Worker Grant Program. The guide serves as a collection of practices that have been successful in recruiting, training, and retaining college students as poll workers. It presents these practices in an easy-to-follow format so election officials can develop their own programs to fit their specific needs. 

Communications 101 

Election officials often have a wide range of responsibilities in addition to managing elections, such as communications or public relations manager. Although its application will differ among offices, the EAC created this booklet to help election offices successfully communicate with the public, and plan for challenges that may arise throughout their work. Stay tuned for the additional communications resources the EAC is developing to complement this guide.  

Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG) Migration Security Toolkit