Highlights from this month’s newsletter include:
National Poll Worker Recruitment Day is August 23!
New Election Cybersecurity Allocability Under Funding Decision Policy
Latest EAC Resources
Blogs and videos from the EAC Commissioners on elections in college communities, mental health, and the Americans with Disabilities Act
Recaps of the EAC Data Summit, LLC Annual Meeting, and EAC Public Meeting on Voter Outreach and Engagement
Upcoming Event: Sept. 6 – EAC Public Meeting on Voting Accessibility
National Poll Worker Recruitment Day is August 23!
The EAC’s third annual National Poll Worker Recruitment Day will be held on Wednesday, August 23, 2023. State and local election officials, civic organizations, and others can use this national awareness day to encourage Americans to sign up to become poll workers in their communities for upcoming elections.
To help participate in this day, the EAC has created a highly customizable social media toolkit at HelpAmericaVote.gov. The toolkit is easily editable to meet the needs of your jurisdiction or organization. The sample posts cater to both Twitter and Facebook.
The EAC also offers a Poll Worker Recruitment Lookup Tool to help people interested in signing up to be poll workers find information for their local election offices. If you are an election official, please make sure to review your election office’s poll worker information in the tool. Please send any updates to [email protected].
EAC’s Local Leadership Council (LLC) Holds its First In-Person Annual Meeting
In late July, the EAC’s Local Leadership Council (LLC) held its first in-person annual meeting since the board was established in June 2021. The 100-member board of election officials from across the country gathered for the two-day meeting in Washington, D.C.
The meeting included moderated discussions on topics such as training and workforce development, looking ahead to 2024, and making the LLC an effective advisory board. Additionally, LLC members elected its first executive officers.
New Election Cybersecurity Allocability Under Funding Decision Policy
In July 2023, the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) voted unanimously to consider allowable cybersecurity enhancements direct costs and allow full allocability under HAVA Section 101(b)(1)(F) of HAVA when the costs are reasonable and necessary and when the cost is incurred specifically for the purpose of benefitting election administration. The vote does not change the applicability of the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200) to EAC grant funding.
In accordance with the Commissioners’ decision, the EAC Office of Grants Management, in consultation with the Office of General Counsel, shall provide guidance on how states may attest and document that expenditures qualify as direct costs for the purpose of allocation. Written guidance is forthcoming and will be posted on the EAC Website at: www.eac.gov/grants/grants-guidance. Questions on this decision must be directed to the Office of Grants Management at [email protected].
New Study on Accessibility of Elections for Americans with Disabilities
The EAC, in partnership with Rutgers University, released a pair of reports examining voting accessibility and disability turnout in the 2022 election. The agency worked with Professors Lisa Schur, Douglas Kruse and Mason Ameri of the Program for Disability Research at Rutgers University to conduct the study.
The researchers focused on voter accessibility in the 2022 election, comparing the results to the same post-election surveys that were conducted in 2020 and 2012. The survey covered topics such as voter turnout, difficulties voting, the need for assistance in voting, voting methods, and treatment by election officials. The researchers also analyzed 2022 voter turnout using Census data. The findings are critical for election officials who continuously work to meet the needs of their jurisdictions and make voting accessible to all eligible voters.
The reports and other information for Disability and Voting Accessibility in the 2022 Elections can be found on the EAC’s website. For a quick look at the study, you can also check out the EAC’s new blog post on the study: Understanding Voting Accessibility in the 2022 Elections.
60 Second Security Series on Physical Security
The EAC created this 60 Second Security Series to help election officials quickly identify and address potential security issues. Each topic includes a brief description, a list of security measures, and potential funding sources for making these improvements. The following resources discuss physical security measures.
Personal Security: Election officials can use the proactive steps in this resource to improve their personal security, such as documenting and reporting every threat and developing a working relationship with federal, state, and local law enforcement.
Building Access: Building access refers to the process of allowing or denying individuals access to enter specific physical facilities. Election officials, who are often responsible for maintaining the security of multiple facilities, may use this checklist to help secure an elections office, secure storage areas, equipment warehouses, or rooms that contain sensitive election items.
Deploying Assets: Election administration requires deploying critical systems within the elections office, as well as in the field at polling locations, satellite offices, or mobile voting units. Election officials can use this resource to address security concerns related to deploying assets.
More information about these and other election security best practices can be found on eac.gov/election-officials.
State Elections Policies Data Map
Because election policies differ by state, the EAC created an interactive map to quickly show how state policies and procedures vary. These include policies regarding:
State Election Officials
Local Election Officials
Voter Registration
In-Person Voting
Voting by Mail
Post-Election Processes
The data included in this map was compiled by the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), as of September 8, 2022.
Check out the interactive map and view the full dataset.
Electronic Poll Book Report
Electronic poll books (e-poll books) are central to the in-person voting experience in a growing number of jurisdictions. Election officials have leveraged e-poll books to streamline the check-in process, reduce errors, automate ballot issuing, and collect and display critical data.
This report provides information on increasing e-poll book adoption, functions e-poll books fulfill, and applicable state laws and regulations. Understanding the current e-poll book environment enables further assessment of risks, mitigation measures, best practices, and information gaps that require further research.
Read and download the E-Poll Book Report and view State Certification Requirements for Electronic Poll Books
EAC Commissioner Ben Hovland Spotlights Election Administration in College Towns
Commissioner Hovland hosted a panel with eight election officials about administering elections in college towns or jurisdictions with significant student populations. The panel talked about issues and challenges faced by college-aged voters in those locations, voter education and participation efforts, registration for out-of-state students versus in-state students, navigating those different rules across states, and more.
Read the blog and watch the video.
EAC Commissioner Thomas Hicks Interviews Clearinghouse Award Winners for Voter Accessibility Programs
In recognition of the 33rd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Commissioner Thomas Hicks held a discussion with election officials Kevin Dragotto from Dubuque County, Iowa; and Antone White and Matt Kelly from Franklin County, Ohio, about their offices’ 2022 Clearinghouse Award-winning voter accessibility programs.
Mr. Dragotto highlighted the Dubuque County Auditor’s Office’s strategic partnership with the Dubuque County Disabilities Council. After assessing polling locations on Election Day, the partnership was able to determine that small changes like better placement of curbside voting signs, larger laminated elevator signs, and word changes could help improve the voting experience for all.
Mr. White and Mr. Kelly spoke on the Franklin County Board of Elections Early Vote Center’s ADA Station, which is located directly inside of the center’s main entrance and is equipped with seating so that voters do not have to stand or walk far to use voting equipment. It initially consisted of two check-in stations and three ADA accessible voting kiosks. Due to popularity, the station was expanded to 12 additional kiosks.
EAC Commissioner Ben Hovland had a Conversation with Jason Kander on Elections and Mental Health
Commissioner Hovland interviewed Jason Kander, a military veteran and former Missouri Secretary of State, about mental health and how it relates to elections.
Kander shared his story about his post-traumatic stress disorder, emphasized how everyone has their own struggles, and underlined the importance of sharing experiences with others.
Read the blog and watch the video.
The EAC Hosts a Public Meeting on Voter Education and Engagement
On August 2, the EAC hosted an in-person public meeting on how election officials can improve outreach efforts ahead of the EAC’s Poll Worker Recruitment Day on August 23.
During the meeting, EAC Commissioners moderated three panels on voter education research and ideas for 2024, the EAC and poll worker recruitment, and innovation in voter outreach and engagement. Panelists included state and local election administrators from Delaware, Montgomery County, Maryland, and Paulding County, Georgia. They were joined by professors from Mississippi State University and Connecticut College, who are leading the EAC’s Voter Education Project.
EAC staff also served as panelists to discuss the agency’s poll worker resources as well as the agency’s College Poll Worker Grant Program—funded for the first time since 2010.
The EAC Data Summit Highlights How the U.S. Voted in the 2022 Midterms