Help America Vote Day
August 16th is Help America Vote Day, a day of action to help election officials recruit poll workers for the general election. Election officials can use this day to raise awareness and recruit workers. More information and graphics will be coming soon, and available at and National Poll Worker Recruitment Day toolkits and graphics are still available for any immediate needs.

Election officials – The EAC wants to make sure the information on our lookup tool is accurate and up to date. Please look at the information listed for your jurisdiction in the lookup tool and email [email protected] if there are any changes.
Latest EAC Resources
Updated Quick Start Guides - The EAC recently released updated versions of the Quick Start Guides (QSG) series, which includes 26 resources that summarize and highlight election administration information from start to finish. The goal of the QSG series is to provide a collection of helpful tips and practices to assist state and local election officials in effectively managing and administering elections. This series includes updated best practices and new topics to help election officials run efficient elections. The best practices are designed to be practical and applicable to jurisdictions regardless of their size and resources. The suggestions outlined in the QSG series are designed to serve as a source of information for election officials and are not requirements by which they must abide.
Voting System Security Measures- This guide from the EAC outlines some of the many best practices local election officials follow to secure voting systems through an election cycle. It's important to note this is a broad list of common security measures and procedures to protect the integrity of an election. The types of security measures may vary based on the voting systems in use in state and local jurisdictions.
Incident Response Checklist- During early voting and Election Day, communications and responses between election officials and voting locations are extremely important. In case of incidents, communication needs to be quick and convey informed decisions about what to do. This EAC checklist aims to make this process easier to plan, implement, and assess an incident response. The development and sharing of this plan should be between election officials, poll workers, community leaders, and election stakeholders.
Removing PII from Google- Personal information, which is often part of the public record for election officials, administrators, poll workers, and others associated with conducting elections, can be exploited and shared online for the purpose of intimidation and harassment. One option for election officials to remove URLs containing personal information is Google’s newly expanded Personal Identifying Information (PII) Removal process. This EAC memo provides information about the program and how state and local election officials can access or seek more information about this process.
Election Results, Canvass, and Certification Resources- The reported results on election night aren’t official until certain steps afterward are done. The process of reporting, canvassing, and certifying election results takes a great deal of work. This page contains information about how election results change from unofficial to official as well as best practices and resources to help election officials communicate this essential process to voters.
Election Officials Resources Webpage - Looking for the latest products from the EAC? The clearinghouse resources for election officials webpage features recent products and information on election security, language access, voter information and communication, and more. Find the EAC’s newest best practices and resources here and bookmark it to see when materials are added.
The EAC Commissioners have been traveling, meeting with election officials and other stakeholders, and sharing information on the role of the EAC and the agency’s work.
Chairman Thomas Hicks met with the Ukrainian delegation while they visited Washington, DC

Vice Chair Christy McCormick attended the Michigan Association of Municipal Clerks Conference.

Kyla Esparza, Program Coordinator of Election Workers at the Wyandotte County (Kansas) Election Office and Commissioner Ben Hovland.

Commissioner Donald Palmer presented at the NCSL Legislative Summit.