Newsletter Highlights
2021 National Clearinghouse Awards - The EAC invites submissions the “Clearie” Awards, for best practices in election administration. Entries must be received by Friday, February 18, 2022 via the EAC’s new online form. More information is below.
Language Access Roundtable - On Thursday, February 17th at 1 p.m. ET, the EAC will host a live streamed multi-panel event focused on giving election officials tools and best practices as they handle new or increased coverage under Section 203 of the Voting Rights Act. More details will be available soon on the Language Access Event page.
Annual Report - The EAC’s 2021 Annual Report is available on our website.

National Poll Worker Recruitment Day - On January 25, 2022, the EAC celebrated the second annual National Poll Worker Recruitment Day. As recruitment continues, election officials are welcome to access and utilize the toolkit with graphics, social media tags, and draft content. Additional information is available on HelpAmericaVote.gov. The EAC hopes that January 25th will serve as the starting point for continuous poll worker recruitment throughout the midterm year. Thank you to all the state and local election officials who participated!
New EAC Resources
Election Official Security - On our newly launched webpage, election officials can find resources to help navigate all aspects of election official security. Topics covered on the webpage include how to report a threat, cybersecurity best practices, self-care, and more.
Geo-Enabled Elections - Many election offices are integrating geographic information system (GIS) as a tool to create, manage, and analyze election data. This guide will help election officials to identify and secure the resources necessary to create and maintain a GIS database. Election officials can use this guide to learn the basics of using GIS to improve election administration, including:
- What is Needed to Get Started
- Creating Layers
- Geocoding
- Polling Place Management
- Polling Place Wait Time Management
- Elected Representative Look-up Tools
- Ballot Look-up Tools
- Election Results Reporting
Upcoming EAC Events
2021 National Clearinghouse Awards - The submission period for the sixth annual national Clearinghouse Awards, also known as the “Clearie” Awards, is officially open! The awards program recognizes the hard work and leadership of election officials and staff across the country. Election jurisdictions of all sizes are encouraged to submit their work. Entries must be received by Friday, February 18, 2022. Submission guidelines for this year’s contest are available here. All entries and supporting materials should be uploaded through the EAC’s new online submission form. Please send any questions to the EAC at [email protected]. Submissions will be judged based on innovation, sustainability, outreach, cost-effectiveness, replicability, and the generation of positive results. The 2021 Clearie winners will be announced in April 2022. The EAC will present awards in the categories of:
- (New Category) Outstanding Use of HAVA Grants in Elections Modernization
- (New Category) Outstanding Election Official Association Program
- Outstanding Innovation in Election Cybersecurity and Technology
- Improving Accessibility for Voters with Disabilities,
- Outstanding Innovations in Elections
- Best Practices in Recruiting, Retaining, and Training Poll Workers
- Creative and Original “I Voted” Stickers
Language Access Roundtable - On Thursday, February 17th at 1 p.m. ET, the EAC will host a live streamed multi-panel event focused on giving election officials tools and best practices as they handle new or increased coverage under Section 203 of the Voting Rights Act. More details will be available soon on the Language Access Event page.
Recent EAC Events
Local Leadership Council Annual Meeting - The EAC’s Local Leadership Council held its first annual meeting on January 11th to discuss and solicit feedback on various EAC initiatives. Members discussed the organizational structure of the Local Leadership Council and will be setting up a subcommittee on the topic.
New Video Series
Election Official Security - The EAC’s latest video series dives into different aspects of election official security. The interviews with EAC’s Senior Program Advisor Tina Barton, Fairfax County’s General Registrar and Director of Elections Scott Konopasek, and Licensed Professional Counselor Harold Love