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May 2023 EAC Monthly Updates and Events

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Highlights from this month’s newsletter include:  

  • New EAC Resources for Election Officials!  

  • Supporting Military and UOCAVA Voter Public Meeting Recap 

  • Commissioner Palmer Testimony on Promoting Voter Confidence 

  • National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) Webinar Series 



How to Work with State Legislators: A Guide for Local Election Officials 

Local election officials are each state’s election experts, and their perspectives can be instrumental in crafting effective, administrable election legislation. This brief guide, from the EAC and the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), outlines five key principles to empower local election officials to embrace an educational mindset and engage with legislators and the legislative process. 


Alternative Voting Methods in the United States 

This new EAC resource provides information on the use of alternative voting methods across the country, including the different methods that are currently being considered or used, the ways that alternative voting methods may be adopted, special uses for alternative voting methods, administrative considerations, and case studies of jurisdictions that have conducted elections using alternative voting methods.   


What You Need to Know About Census Data 

Every 10 years, the United States Census Bureau conducts a survey of the entire American population, gathering the total number of residents and detailed information about a representative sample. By doing this, the United States Census offers a wealth of data on the demographics of our country. This also includes data on election behaviors and data that is used in election processes. In this blog, the EAC takes a closer look at what the census is, its purpose, and how it impacts American elections.  


EAC Holds Public Meeting on Serving Military Voters